Flip Buyer Secured During Due Diligence
A leading investment partnership contacted Global Food Properties early in its evaluation of a bottling plant in a rural Southern sub-market. The firm was interested in acquiring the property and remaining equipment; the partnership was confident it could sell the production assets and recover a portion of the acquisition cost, but it was less certain on a timely exit from the property itself.
Global Food Properties toured the facility, noting infrastructure and use strengths and weaknesses, and then emailed details to its “Active Looking List”. Immediately, a past client in the dry mixing and baking sector toured the property, and agreed to take title after the investment partnership completed the equipment auction. The investment partnership received a substantial profit from the auction proceeds, with no exit risk; and the user acquired a “broom swept” production plant, cleaned and empty of all surplus equipment, and ready for new occupancy.
Who you choose matters, particularly in navigating transactions involving bundled real estate and equipment assets. For additional details, please contact our Co-Founder & Designated Managing Broker, Jeffrey J. Counsell, at +1 312 589 8844 or jeff.counsell@globalfoodproperties.com.